35 aniversary Senador Música 35 aniversary Senador Música

The record company Senador is celebrating it's 35th birthday and to celebrate this moment, the company has organized a live show in solidarity with the association Mater et Magistra.

The profits raised during this show will be destined 100% in support of this association that helps people with intellectual disabilities.

35 years Senator Music

Great artists like Medina Azahara, Ecos del Rocío and Marta Quintero, will meet with many other musicians to celebrate the 35th anniversary of the record company.

The show, which will be celebrated in FIBES on December 7, will start at 21:00 hours.

Tickets are now available on the website www.fibestickets.es and at the agency La Teatral in C/ Velázquez, 12.

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