Congress Healthcare Chronic Patient in Seville 2014
Congress Healthcare Chronic Patient in Seville 2014The VI National Congress of Health Chronic Patient Care will take place in Seville from 27 to 29 March 2014. If you are looking for accommodation for this conference, plus excellent service are a hotel in the historic center of Seville. If you attend the conference we will make a big discount, please contact us. The National Congress of Health Chronic Patient Care goes into its sixth edition. In November 2008, in Toledo, a group of enthusiasts called for building the new model of care for chronic patients. Since then, this event has been consolidated as an essential meeting point for those who are looking for innovative professionals as to face the challenges of chronicity. The Spanish Society of Internal Medicine (SEMI) and the Spanish Society of Family and Community Medicine (semFYC) are aware of the importance of promoting a multidisciplinary forum to be able to maintain a multidimensional perspective versus chronicity and that is why so they have decided to continue practicing as promoters of this event. In Sevilla , from 27 to 29 March 2014, we will focus on one of the great unfinished business of our health system, continuity of care and the need to share forward. During the conference, March 28, 2014, will be held the First National Conference of Asset patients. So avoiding parallel positions in Congress by discipline or union or individual preferences. International experiences and to promote national and international collaboration projects open multicenter studies will be shared. Along with this there will be debates, communications experiences, Communications of ongoing projects and videos. The conference will have a very special presence in communication networks and even one of the tables will be broadcast through mainstream media . Currently the priority is to enhance the actions and initiatives of excellence that contribute to change the foma care to patients.

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