The next 26th of May will be held the traditional celebration of Corpus Christi in Seville..
The Corpus is the feast of the Catholic Church intended to celebrate the Eucharist. The celebration of this event's main mission, disseminate and strengthen the faith of Catholics and has a wide popular impact in Seville. Today, it is held consecutive Sunday celebration of the Holy Trinity.
Corpus Christi in Seville.
It is a party that has a deeply rooted tradition in Seville and has been celebrated since about 1400. Weeks before the event, gracing the city prepares for the altars and balconies that later will welcome the cortege procession occasion. The municipality installed two arches in the Plaza de San Francisco, in memory of the various architectures that decorated the race in previous centuries.
The procession is headed by six couples of acolytes who wear clothing original XVIII, immediately afterwards, run the Script of the Sacramental Sacramental Confraternity of the Holy Tabernacle Church Cathedral, sororities glories, penance and sacramental. After that procesionan nine steps, which are adorned with ears of wheat and grapes, both Eucharistic symbols of the body and blood of Christ.
The route of the procession of Corpus Christi, begins around 8:30 pm in the Cathedral and runs along the Constitution Avenue, Plaza de San Francisco, tillers, Locksmith, Cot, Plaza del Salvador, Villegas, Franks, Placentines, Argote de Molina, German, retakes Placentines and Plaza de la Virgen de los Reyes, coming back to the cathedral by the door of Palos.
If you do not want to miss this event not hesitate to contact us to book your stay.
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