New route between Seville and Copenhagen New route between Seville and Copenhagen

New route between Seville and CopenhagenSince last Tuesday, April 3, a new route between Seville and Copenhagen has taken effect, thanks to the Irish airline Ryanair, which in recent months is making a strong commitment to the city of Seville.

Direct flight between Seville and Copenhagen

Ryanair will make a total of 40 routes in Seville in the summer campaign, and the new route between Seville and Copenhagen will have 2 weekly connections. Thanks to the joint work of the City Council, local tourism companies and airlines such as Ryanair, direct connections with other international airports are increasing, with the aim of combating seasonality and increasing tourist growth in Seville.

For the inauguration of this new link, Ryanair published an offer to travel from Seville from 19.99 euros in the months of April and May. The offer could be purchased until midnight on April 5.

At the same time, if you are looking for a hotel in Seville, you will have the best prices and discounts on our website.

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