Russian Army of St. Petersburg in Seville
Ejército rusoThe Russian Army of St. Petersburg will be in Seville soon. A fascinating show choir , ballet and orchestra will take place on Christmas Day in the Auditorium of the Conference and Exhibition in Seville . The show will take place on December 25 at 20 am in Fibes Sevilla . If you want to come , our hotel in Seville offers the best services and the kindest treatment . Over 100 artists fill the stage with their voices , dance and music. It is a vibrant show whose rate grows as the work progresses , plunging the viewer into a world of color , energetic and unique. The Choir , Ballet and Orchestra of St. Petersburg Russian Army , known as the first army of peace , interpret Russian folk songs accompanied by spectacular choreography and dazzling costumes . Backed by the success of international tours , with over 30 million viewers, burst onto the scene with the force of a show full of delicate details .

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