Exhibition Visions at Wabi Sabi Gallery in Seville
Exhibition Visions at Wabi Sabi Gallery in SevilleWabi Sabi Gallery in Seville will host until next April 11, 2014  the exhibition Visions. "Visions of the same reality in parallel universes" is an exhibition of various disciplines (sculpture, painting, photography, engraving...), composed of works by artists who present works of abstract, realistic or just figurative  visions that represent the universe of each individual. Each artist represents in a different way the universe in which we all live, but it is totally different and parallel to other people.

Multidisciplinary Art at Wabi Sabi Gallery

The artists participating in this exhibition are Arturo Comas, Joaquín Delgado, Fátima Conesa, Roberto Alberto, Pablo Merchante, Mario César, Cristina Franco Roda, Julián Baena, Pilar López and Antonio Jurado. Visit this exhibition until April 11, 2014 at Wabi Sabi Gallery in Seville,  Viriato St, 9, from Monday to Friday from 10 am to 2 pm and from 2 pm to 9 pm. Saturdays from 10:30 am to 3 pm. Admission is free.

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