International Puppet Fair in Seville 2014
International Puppet Fair in Seville 2014From May 16 to June 1, Seville will host the XXXIV edition of the International Puppet Fair. Once again, Seville hosts this amazing show. Twenty six companies from all over the world participate in this event so that children and adults enjoy with their wonderful techniques, such as gloves, shadows, thread, etc... There are many venues that will host the shows, aimed particularly at young people, students and families, but where everyone will enjoy each performance, some of them, free.

The world of puppet comes to Seville

The venues that will host the fair from May 16 to June 1 are: Teatro Alameda (calle Crédito, 11), Sala Cero (calle Sol, 5), Sala La Fundición (Casa de la Moneda, calle Habana), Sala TNT (avenida Parque de Despeñaperros, 1), Alameda de Hércules, Centro Cívico Las Sirenas (Casa de las Sirenas, Alameda de Hércules), Centro Cívico Bellavista (calle Asensio y Toledo, 7), Centro Cívico Sindicalistas Soto, Saborido y Acosta, antiguo La Ranilla (calle Mariano Benlliure, s/n), Parque de la Buhaira, Parque de los Perdigones, Parque de Infanta Elena, Parque de los Príncipes, Parque de María Luisa, Parque Gran Vía, Parque Amate and calle San Jacinto. See the complete schedule at the following link: Get your ticket via the following websites:;;; Prices range between 0 and 11 euros.

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