The areas with greater risk of mortality in those men by cancer of pulomon is located in Extremadura, Andalusia Western (Huelva, Seville and Cadiz).

Approximately 30% of the deaths are due to five behavioural risk factors and diet: high body mass index, lack of physical activity, low fruit and vegetable intake, consumption of tobacco and alcohol consumption.

The "day world against the Cancer" is leads to out annually the 4 of February. The cancer is an of the main causes of mortality in all the world. The World Health Organization estimates that 40% of cancers could be avoided not consuming tobacco, exercising regularly and with a healthy diet. Tobacco use is the leading preventable cause of cancer in the world.
The last report world of the Cancer of the world of Health Organization (WHO) reports that 8.2 million new cases were recorded in 2012 and estimates that this figure will rise to 22 billion annually over the next two decades.

To promote measures intended to reduce the load world of this disease, the WHO, the Center International of research on the Cancer (IARC) and the Union international against the Cancer (UICC) observed the 4 of February of each year as the day world against the Cancer.

· Data and figures

  • Those cancers more mortiferos are those of lung, stomach, liver, colon and breast.
  • The most frequent types of cancer are different in men and women.
  • Approximately 30% of the deaths are due to five behavioural risk factors and diet: high body mass index, lack of physical activity, low fruit and vegetable intake, consumption of tobacco and alcohol consumption.
  • Smoking is the most important risk factor and the cause of the 22% of global cancer deaths and 71% for lung cancer.
  • Cancers caused by infections by viruses, like the hepatitis B (HBV) and C (HCV), or human papillomavirus (HPV), are responsible for up to 20% of the deaths in low-income countries and media.
  • Approximately a 70% of the deaths registered in 2008 is produced in countries of income low and media.


Resultado de imagen de día mundial de cancer en sevilla 2017 4 febrero


Ayax Jose Abad
11 de Agosto de 2017 a las 12:43:38
Hola, mi nombre es Ayax hace aproximadamente 12 meses me detectaron Cancel de Colon, me an estado poniendo Quimio y hace 8 semanas tuvieron que hacer una intervención Urgente porque se perforo el tumor y se creó una infección que me produjo dolores muí fuertes. Mi pregunta a todos Ustedes Médicos, Investigadores Biólogos y todos los que estén en contacto con la investigación de mejorar el tratamiento del Cancel, porque dejan métodos como por ejemplo el Metadona por comentar uno el cual en Alemania se está tratando Pacientes con buen resultado, solo porque no hay estudios que lo confirmen Internacional y porque las Farmacéuticas no les interesa ya que es un producto que es muy económico no hay negocio. La verdad es que no se qué pensar si es que están todos sobornados y tienen miedo, o solo que nadie está interesado en competir realmente el Cancel. Sin querer insultar a nadie, pero mi o piñón es de que no se hace lo suficiente en comparación con otras cosas que no son tan interesantes, como en Armas, Automovilismo, dicen que los gases de los autos nos ensucian la atmosfera y se gastan mucho dinero para investigar porque no en Cáncer??. Bueno me despido en espera de que posiblemente lo lea alguna persona que se dé cuenta y tenga la suficiente fuerza para poner un grano más en esta Lucha que tenemos, Gracias.

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