Musical Pinocchio in Seville
Musical Pinocchio in SevilleMusical Pinocchio in Seville will be represented on 6 and 7 December in the new auditorium of the Palace of Exhibitions and Congresses of Seville, Fibes. This will be a unique opportunity for younger children of each house to know the adventures of this friendly wooden puppet. If you are looking for hotels in Seville close to Fibes, our hotel offers great deals on our website. The artistic director Gustavo Tambascio, known for being the creator of other musicals such as The Jungle Book, comes to Seville to present this adaptation of the popular tale of the Italian carpenter Geppetto and his wooden puppet. It is a musical for all ages, family character. Children will enjoy for 120 minutes of the joy and the enthusiasm of our protagonist to become a real boy. Enjoy this musical in Fibes, Avenue Alcalde Luis Uruñuela, 1, on 6 and 7 December at 7 pm. Get your ticket from 15 euros in

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