Letter of Marque in the Lope de Vega
Letter of marque in the Lope de VegaLetter of Marque is the name of the show that arrives at Lope de Vega theater in Seville from Thursday to Sunday 9 and 12 October 2014. This is a play produced by the company Mundo Ficción and performed by actors Alfonso Sánchez and Alberto Lopez, known for the films "The world is ours" and "8 Basque surnames."

Perez Reverte

The play builds on the articles of the same title as the book, the writer Arturo Pérez-Reverte published weekly in XLSemanal supplement. Alfonso Sanchez, who is also responsible for the direction, inspired by such texts, with Alberto Lopez and Ana Graziani, construct the piece. The show is on October 2014, Thursday 9 to Sunday 12, at 8:30 pm, at the Lope de Vega theater in Seville. The ticket price ranges from 4 to 21 euros and can be purchased at the theater box office and online.

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