SURMascotas Sevilla 2018 SURMascotas Sevilla 2018

In the Exhibition and Congress Centre of Fibes on March 3 and 4.

In the coming year 2018 will take place again SURMascootas during the days 3 and 4 of March: an outstanding event of exhibition, adoption and sale of animals for professionals and lovers of pets.

Pets 2018

SURMascotas will host the XXIII NATIONAL CANINE EXHIBITION AND XLI INTERNATIONAL CANINE EXHIBITION, with the participation of more than 2,500 dogs from 200 different breeds.

There will be different activities, exhibitions and exhibitions, such as:

- Interactive exhibition of birds of prey flights.
- Competition feline.
- Sheep and goose grazing.
- Exhibitions of agility, obedience.
- Horse riding.
- Camel ride.
- Exhibition of rescue dogs.
- Aquarophilia Exhibition.
- Exhibition of guinea pigs and rabbits, etc.

It will also provide an innovative space in the reptile world, where professionals and amateurs can share information and knowledge about this exciting world.

The schedule will be established on Saturday from 11:00 to 21:00 hours and Sunday from 11:00 to 20:00 hours.
The price of the general ticket is 6 euros per person, with free admission for children under 6 years old.

As if that weren't enough, you can attend this fair accompanied by your pet and a PetFriendly experience. For more information you can consult the conditions through the event's website. l

Don't miss it! Book your stay with us for the dates. Better prices and discounts on our website.



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