13th National Congress of Non Destructive Testing in Seville

13th National Congress of Non Destructive Testing in SevilleThe 13th National Congress of END will take place on 6, 7 and 8 May 2015 in Seville. Sevilla's relationship with longstanding END due to its long industrial tradition, especially in two of the sectors that use these test methods, naval and aeronautical. It is also worth mentioning the rich artistic heritage that has, under increasing study and research in the END has become an essential tool. It houses also of major companies related to the energy sector, another major user of END.

Airbus A400M

Of note is the presence in the city for the final assembly line of the Airbus A400M military transport aircraft of new generation in the manufacture and maintenance intensive END is done. Congress should provide a forum for professionals and businesses, both providers and users of services and equipment, expose their ideas and their attention, present the latest technical developments and scientific discoveries in our area and glimpsing future trends. We hope that the scientific and technical program meets these expectations.

The 13th National Congress is organized by the Spanish Association of Non-Destructive Testing and estimable support of the School of Engineering at the University of Seville.

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