Выставка Мурильо в Архивом де-Индиас
С 21 июня 2018 года по 13 января 2019 года и в ознаменование 400-летия со дня рождения этого севильского живописца мы можем насладиться выставкой Мурильо в Архиви-де-Индиас. Год Мурильо в Archivo de Indias На этой выставке будут представлены три произведения Бартоломе Эстебана Мурильо, к

Museums's White night in Seville
For the third consecutive year will be held in Seville the white night of the museums, with more than 60 proposals and around 30,000 visitors in its last year, you can not to pass up the opportunity to enjoy free cultural activities of our city. Night of culture and fun "Sevillasemueve" is sponsoring the event which will take place on 3 October. You can visit monuments public, such as museums, exhibitions and private spaces or enjoy guided tours of the city with zero cost. You can even have

Exhibition at the Museum of Fine Arts in Seville
A new exhibition at the Museum of Fine Arts in Seville can be visited until next January 12th 2014. On this occasion, is an exhibition about Julio Romero de Torres, one of the most important artists of the Spanish historiography. "Between myth and tradition" analyzes the importance of the painter throughout his artistic career through chapters dedicated to the different topics of his production. The artist's work is organized into different themes: luminism and social rea

Fine Art Museum in Seville
In a city like Seville, culture and religion have been closely linked throughout history, it is not surprising that a former convent has been transformed into the most important museum in the city. Inside a building, which in itself is an artwork, is the second national art gallery because of the quality of the works it contains. The Museum of Fine Arts of Seville is focused primarily on the Seville school, being Murillo, Zurbarán, Valdés Leal or Gonzalo Bilbao some major authors whose p

New paints at the museum of Fine Arts of Seville
The Museum of Fine Arts in Seville, exposed indefinitely, several works of art from the church of Santa Maria La Blanca of our city, which is located in the stately and renowned neighborhood of Santa Cruz. The Church of Santa Maria La Blanca performs within it a methodical restoration, it is for this reason that the artworks have been relocated to the Museum of Fine Arts of Seville. Among the most important, we talk of three paintings on wood of Sevillian Luis de Vargas created in 1564