App of Seville
App of SevilleApp of Seville with monuments and places will be available for tourists that visit the city of Seville, one of the main urban destinations in Spain. This new technological tool has all the information necessary for tourism in Seville. We talked about the smartphone application called 'Visitasevilla', which offers to the tourist, information, images and even geolocation hundred monuments or areas of interest. Discover the monuments and places of our city in our hotel in Seville city center. Since 11 November, the date on which the product has been presented, this application is available to spread the tourist offer in the city of Seville.
The application 'Visitasevilla', available for free for system 'Android' and 'IOS' smart phones or smartphones, offers to the tourist the detailed information and photographs, as well as geolocation, a total of one hundred monuments or places of tourist interest in Seville, also including information on shows and events. Similarly, the tourism industry of the city premieres these days 'Infotur', a digital channel of tourist information focused in the city of Seville that will feature with screens in different tourist areas and themed centers of Seville. Similarly, the installation will be offered to hotels and restaurants of the Andalusian capital.

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