Manu Sánchez in Fibes as Alone King 2015

Manu Sánchez in Fibes as Alone King 2015The comedian and presenter Manu Sánchez will be in Fibes with his show "The Alone King (my kingdom for a pout)" next January 2, 2015. It will be held in the new auditorium of the Palace of Congresses of the city, and he will make two functions the same day, one at 19:00 and another at 22:00, due to the huge success of last year at this same stage.

The main theme of this event is the good humorous critique of recent changes regarding the Spanish monarchy. You know that Manu is comedian, but at the same time, it is very critical with the various situations facing our country today, and that way you gain the public, as it simply explains things in the same way as seen by ordinary citizens.

Manu Sánchez in Sevilla

To see to Manu Sánchez in Sevilla, you can purchase your tickets from now, which range from 14 € to 39 €.Do not miss it! It promises to be a show that will leave you with your mouth open.

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