Secrets of the Cathedral of Seville
sevilla-catedralThe Cathedral of Seville, Heritage building, hidden within its stunning infinity of secrets, details, symbols, trivia, stories and legends among which walls:
The Cathedral tenebrario It measures nearly eight feet, and is the work of various artists XVI. It was used from Holy Wednesday as announcement of the end of Holy Week. Their candles still burning and went off with a hand wax symbolizing Judas. Picture of the Proclamation of the Dogma of the Immaculate One is in the Cruise Ship on the Altar of the Jubilee. If you get to see the face of the Virgin can be seen that is the face of the Macarena, having his right to a Nazarene del Silencio and before her a picture of the Sixes. Picture of San Fernando Rey It is a small work that portrays the walled Sevilla and Puerta de Jerez with the Cathedral and the Giralda as we see them today. The picture of the Guardian Angel Murillo's work, and was a gift of the Order of the Capuchins, in gratitude for the assistance provided by the Cathedral to guard the artwork of her convent during the War of Independence. The box in the baptismal chapel Murillo This stunning painting has suffered various vicissitudes: he escaped the looting at the hands of a member of Napoleon's army; Figure of San Antonio was cut by a thief, but luckily appeared in a New York antique dealer. After it was exposed again after an unfortunate restoration work. The tomb of the Chapel of Scalas It was built to house, come the day of his death, the body of Baltasar del Rio (canon of the Cathedral of Seville), but curiously is an empty tomb, as the prelate died in Rome and was buried there. In Sevilla is only his recumbent sculpture on the sarcophagus. The pillars of the Cathedral They have been built at different times because of the two landslides that have hit the dome along its history. Showcase of San Sebastián Represent Carlos I of Spain and V of Germany as a true glorification of the monarchy of the kingdom of those years in which the sun never set. Our Lady of Rest Legend has it that an forcibly converted Jew pray appeared before her as insulted. Suddenly one day stood at his feet and confessed his sin. Another story tells that could be the origin of the name of the Virgin: a missionary, returning from a sick trip, pleaded: "Give me rest, Lady", after which threw a snake mouth. The Descent from the Cross Peter Campaign This work is fragmented into several tables that had to be hidden and removed to avoid theft. Murillo was also felt that this predilection for painting. Tomb of Christopher Columbus This spectacular and famous work houses countless details: four kings representing the Kingdoms of Castile, Leon, Aragon and Navarra carry the sarcophagus. Symbols on their clothes bats Valencia, Navarra chains or scallops are appreciated. Initially the tomb was bound for the Cathedral of Havana, but emancipation of Cuba finally made its location outside the Cathedral of Seville. And the most famous story is the uncertainty of whether the body of Columbus is or not within the tomb. The lizard, Fang and snack Legend has it that the Sultan of Egypt to Alfonso X gave a live crocodile, an elephant tusk and a giraffe in order to win the hand of his daughter. The answer was no, but these remained in Seville: the crocodile was dissected after death (the current is wood) and hung next to the canine bite and giraffe.

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