Sevilla smart city
Sevilla smart city
The Board of Directors of the Spanish Network for Smart Cities (RECI) has approved the incorporation of Seville , which applied for membership last January. Smart Cities Network , promotes among other things , automatic and efficient management of infrastructure and urban services, reducing government spending and improving the quality of public services, with the aim of attracting economic activity and thus generate progress. Sevilla 's accession to the Association is effective from April 17, already there are 41 members of this Association. The smart cities are based , especially in services not only for municipalities, but in those citizen-oriented services , with this, the municipalities can improve their service to citizen services through multiple channels, as for example, automated telephone services for citizen, which means not only using the Internet or mobile messaging but also the use of traditional channels such as the telephone. The smart cities aim to generate a positive dynamic between cities to advance innovation and knowledge, and support primordial based on the technologies of information and communication technologies (ICT ) . If you want to explore the city and looking for a hotel in the center of Seville , contact us.

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