Seville second most visited city during Christmas
Seville second most visited city during Christmas According to the chain of travel agencies Line Tours, Seville is the second most visited city during Christmas in Spain. Line Tours indicates that visits in Seville  will increase 20% during Christmas. Our hotel in Seville city center is ideal to enjoy Christmas. Check our offers. During the Bridge of December, Seville was the second most visited city in Spain and this influx will grow during Christmas. In fact the Mayor of the city, Juan Ignacio Zoido has estimated that visits to the city on that date have exceeded 1.5 million people and the average of hotel occupancy in the city has exceeded 90%. Anecdotally, Zoido indicates that the bins were filled every half hour. The success of the city is due to the monumental offer and the climate, as well as the numerous activities that are organized in Seville for this date. The beautiful decor, Christmas markets and Mapping, are others of the main attractions that Seville offers during Christmas.

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