Showcase 2014 in Seville
The second edition of "Showcase" will take place during the months of March to June 2014 in Seville, and will be devoted to music, dance, action and interpretation. "Showcase" is a unique opportunity to stop and enjoy the different and special moments that offer us these free proposals. They will be a total of five functions spread from March to June, where you can enjoy music, dance and acting. Concerning tickets will go on sale 64 for each show, at a unique price of 10 euros. These may be purchased in advance at the box office of Teatro Lope de Vega and Internet. Or the day of the show at the CAS itself (Center for the Arts of Seville).

Music, dance and drama in Seville

The first performances will be on March 21: the "Child of Elche" with band José Cicuta. The second will be on April 30 to celebrate the International Day of Jazz, with the singer, pianist and composer Italian, Sofia Taliani. On May 21, will be the dramatic reading of the text "The workshop" (Luis Felipe Blasco Vílchez). The penultimate event is June 6, with the interpretation of Fernando Mansilla with the group of rock fragments Pony Bravo his first novel "Canijo". And finally, on June 21 on the occasion of of Music, the musical group "Los Quiero" provide a performance by classic 50s, 60s and 70s. The entry of this action will be free until full capacity.

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