Flights Munich Seville
Flights Munich SevilleDuring June, the airline Vueling Airlines will connect nonstop the cities of Munich and Seville. This connection will be only in June and if the route is successful, Vueling will expand this connection until September. In this way the inhabitants of the capital of Bavariawill travel  nonstop to Seville, but this route also allows great connectivity with the Nordic countries, Russia, Asia and the Middle East.  

Vueling connects Germany with Seville

Flights from Munich will be on Saturdays 7, 14 and 21 June at 7:40 pm, and flights from Seville will take off on Saturday 14 and 21 June at 3:50 pm. The duration of the flight in both ways is 3 hours. This new route is the result of hard work that public bodies are doing to promote in Europe, the city of Seville as a tourist destination.

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