XII Congress Spanish Society of Pain

XII Congress Spanish Society of Pain in Seville May 2015From 28 to 31 May 2015 will be held in Seville the XII Congress of the Spanish Society of Pain and XIII Iberoamerican Meeting of Pain .

The Spanish Society of Pain (SED) is a professional, multidisciplinary, non-profit association, founded in June 1990 with the intention of promoting scientific research on the mechanisms and treatment of pain, raise awareness about this problem and encourage constant improvement in the assessment and therapy of patients suffering from pain.

The SED is a chapter of the International Association for the Study, which in turn is a reference to issues of pain in the World Health Organization in which professionals from different specialties and grades, the vast majority doctors are integrated. Also part of this partnership other non-medical professionals such as pharmacists, psychologists and nursing graduates.

XIII Iberoamerican Meeting of Pain

Sevilla will also host the XIII Latin American Meeting of Pain where the Latin American Federation of Associations involved for the Study of Pain grouping Pain Associations Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Ecuador, El Salvador , Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic, Uruguay and Venezuela.

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