Seville News | Hotel Adriano

Tapas Tours in Seville

Adriano Boutique Hotel in downtown Seville informs its distinguished clientele that well-known local gastronomy expert Shawn Hennessey offers several tapas tours in Seville, all very complete and available in various neighborhoods in Seville. Shawn Hennessey is a lover of our city and is an expert on everything related to Sevillian cuisine. Her website shows us different routes through the neighborhoods of Seville, in which we can see various places where visitors and locals can enjoy a v

Seville News | Hotel Adriano

Transformables Seville 2013

The next 18, 19 and September 20 of this year will be held at the School of Architecture the First the International Congress on architecture and engineering transformable. This first International Congress is in honor of Emilio Pérez Piñero, is organized and is based on convertible, with the intent to advance the research, design and construction of such convertible ideas, lightness and modules. This conference is organized by the Foundation Pérez Piñero and the Universities of Se

Seville News | Hotel Adriano

New paints at the museum of Fine Arts of Seville

The Museum of Fine Arts in Seville, exposed indefinitely, several works of art from the church of Santa Maria La Blanca of our city, which is located in the stately and renowned neighborhood of Santa Cruz. The Church of Santa Maria La Blanca performs within it a methodical restoration, it is for this reason that the artworks have been relocated to the Museum of Fine Arts of Seville. Among the most important, we talk of three paintings on wood of Sevillian Luis de Vargas created in 1564

Seville News | Hotel Adriano

Seville Art

For those who think that Sevilla is just monuments and April Fair, we invite you to get to know the other side Sevilla artistic, artists if somewhat anonymous, flashing light and expose their own creations both in the world of fashion as in the visual arts. Talk of Arturo Tejada, Ana Jimenez, Antonio Serrano, Felipe Susana Vivas and Pagés, is to enter a world of sophisticated works, colors and art. They are trend-Sevillian artists, magic and joy in every one of his works. The first is Art

Seville News | Hotel Adriano

More than one reason to visit Seville

Everyone knows nowadays that to travel to a certain point there must be some reason, either in the interest to know, attend an event, rest or perhaps to reunite with friends and family. Well, in Sevilla, we are plenty of reasons for you to visit us, because not only have the Easter holiday, the Fair each year, flamenco or bullfighting, the Andalusian capital has more for you and your family.    In Seville you can find throughout the year, important national and international c