Севилья центр отеля

SportLife SportWoman in Seville

The fair SportLife SportWoman is held at Fibes, on 3 and 4 October 2014 to complement the career of women which will take place in our city. The schedule for collection of race bibs and t-shirts will be from 10.00 to 20.00 uninterrupted. Seville with the sport! You can also find detailed information about this event and about the careers of women in: http:www.carreradelamujer.com Enjoy with the sport!

Севилья центр отеля

Neonatal XXV Congress in Seville

From 20 to 22 May 2015 will be held on XXV Congress of Neonatal and Perinatal Medicine in Seville, plus also the V Congress of Neonatal Nursing. At the congress a wide breadth of topics and news all focused on how to deal with a newborn, seeking as objective improvement in each performance will be discussed. Various activities such as assemblies, symposia and workshops were held, dedicated to both medicine and nursing. Congress on the newborn in Seville This event is organized by the Spanis

Севилья центр отеля

Mangafest 2014

Once again will be held on the festival of Mangafest in Seville from 21 to 23 November 2014 in the Palace of Congresses and Exhibitions Fibes. III Festival Video Games and Japanese Culture in Seville This will be the third edition of Mangafest, the Festival of Video Games and Japanese Culture, that after the huge success of the previous two editions, comes to Fibes with many new features. In this festival we can find video game tournaments, cosplay competitions, workshops, exhibitions an

Севилья центр отеля

Open Padel 2014 in Seville

Is here, the World Padel Tour of Estrella Damm in Seville. It is possible to formalize the registration until 10 September, whether you're a man woman or child, from their website: http:www.worldpadeltour.comtorneosestrella-Damm-Sevilla-open Estrella Damm Seville Open It will be held from 15 to 21 September in Seville. Do not miss the opportunity to participate in the tournament which is giving back to the world. In addition you can win € 93,000. And win the best!

Севилья центр отеля

Nino Bravo, the musical in Seville

The Sala Joaquín Turina in Seville will host on June 22, the musical about Nino Bravo. The musical about Nino Bravo comes to Seville to review the professional career of this wonderful artist, died at age 28 at a car accident. The Spanish singer was one of the most admired artists of the time. His powerful voice and his successful songs predicted him a promising future that was cut short in 1973 after the fatal accident. In this musical produced by Class Music and directed by Fernan